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Voter Engagement

A truly multiracial democracy requires expanding the electorate and engaging harder-to-reach and hard-to-find Black, Latino, Native, AAPI, immigrant, women, and young voters.

Political Plans

How we are building a comprehensive field program to reach 15 million voters and have 2+ million conversations in six prioritized states

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Relational Voter Contact

Moving hyper-local leaders into action, we are capitalizing on the power of social pressure and equipping a community of volunteers to contact friends, family, and infrequent voters.

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2022 Impact

Voters of color defied the odds in 2022. While many wrote off this election, organizers and voters together made history.

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An electoral powerhouse

We cannot conceive a path to a just democracy and economy without an electorate that looks more like the country, and we know that changing our politics requires mobilizing voters who fall outside of traditional campaign electoral targeting.

Community Change Action continues to build a large-scale political operation that engages ordinary people in year-round organizing. We seamlessly connect voter engagement, turnout, accountability work, and issue lobbying — with trusted messengers at the heart of our approach. We connect values and issues that impact voters through conversations that increase support for aligned candidates.Our target voters have provided the margin of victory in key states and races.

To do that:

  • We run the largest relational voter contact program in the country, using digital tools to equip a community of volunteers to contact friends, family, and infrequent voters.
  • We drive creative strategies centering creator-driven content on platforms like TikTok to reach young voters of color and shape the public narrative.
  • We partner with community-based organizations year in and year out to create the infrastructure for ongoing engagement in civic life.



State of Play

Read our analysis of the political moment and our plans.

State of Play
Leaders at the Black Male Initiative Fund host a debate watch party ahead of the 2022 Midterm Elections.
Organizers from Voter Engagement Tour - DETROIT - with Michigan People’s Campaign, Michigan Liberation and MOSES Action pack a rally with Congressman Bowman.
Child care voters with OLE New Mexico hold a GOTV (Get Out the Vote) event ahead of the 2022 midterms.