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To build the power and capacity of low-income people, especially low-income people of color, to change the policies and institutions that impact their lives.

Our Purpose

To transform the systems that perpetuate oppression and exploitation, we must change the balance of power in the United States. 

Community Change Action is building a multiracial movement that brings low-income people, particularly people of color, into political action and creates a more powerful collective identity rooted in linked fates.

  • We walk with community-based partner organizations as co-conspirators, working to unlock opportunities for progressive governance to make a real difference in people’s lives. 
  • We figure out new approaches to meet emerging challenges — from digital organizing practices to electoral data analytics to new narratives in our economy.
  • We provide direct assistance on state-level campaigns, deploy our staff to fill capacity gaps, and channel funds from major philanthropies to grassroots organizations.
  • We build national coalitions that wield inside influence and exert outside pressure to win policy change on issues related to economic, racial, and immigrant justice.

Through these strategies, Community Change Action fuses together the people power of organizing, the political power of voter engagement, and the narrative power that changes the common sense of what’s possible.