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Guaranteed Income

A guaranteed income empowers workers and families with economic security.

Climate Justice and Economic Freedom

The role guaranteed income plays when climate disasters strike.

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Make It Permanent

Co-President Dorian Warren and Former President Deepak Bhargava write an op-ed for USA Today.

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For Our Children’s Futures

Communications Fellow Topacio Marrero writes an article for ChangeWire

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The United States could choose to end poverty.

Experiments such as the expanded, fully refundable Child Tax Credit in 2021 have shown how a guaranteed income reduces poverty–including the lowest child poverty rates for Black, Latino, and Native children ever recorded. 

Now, Community Change Action and our partners are building the political will and popular support to enact a permanent guaranteed income. 

We lead a two-prong strategy of outside pressure and inside influence with grassroots partners. We strategize together, learn from promising practices in state and local victories, and push bold proposals for a guaranteed income at all levels of government.

We anchor the national conversation in lived experience. We use unique research methods to generate ideas from the ground up, and we center our partners in the federal policy discussion. 

In partnership with groups like the Economic Security Project, which our Co-President Dorian Warren co-founded, we are changing the common sense of what we can accomplish through bold public policy.

Case Studies

Expanded Child Tax Credit

Tax credits in 2021 helped millions of families and led to unprecedented reductions in the poverty rate.

Family Matters: A Virtual Celebration of the Child Tax Credit

We teamed up with the Economic Security Project & Building Back Together for an event celebrating the Child Tax Credit.

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Cash Relief for Black Moms

Aisha Nyandoro, Anquoindria Moore, and Dorian Warren discuss the impact of guaranteed income programs with Laura Flanders.

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Co-President Dorian Warren speaks at "How the American Rescue Plan is Helping Advance Equity,” an event co-hosted with Urban Institute.
Co-President Dorian Warren speaks at a press conference on Capitol Hill.

ChangeWire Article

This Year’s Back to School Blues are Lingering Without the Expanded Child Tax Credit

Communications Fellow Eileen Sepulveda writes about the impacts of the Child Tax Credit.

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ChangeWire Article

Dr. King’s Dreams About Racial and Economic Justice Included Guaranteed Income

ChangeWire Editor Emily Withnall explores Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision of guaranteed income. 

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