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Policy Change

We fight for policies and practices that improve the material conditions of low-income communities right now–even as we work to change the structures and systems that perpetuate injustice.

We work with community-based partners across the country to lead these campaigns because we believe the people who are most marginalized by injustice should play a central role in defining solutions and strategies to implement them.

National & Local Legislation

To be effective, organizing and policy change must function on all levels of government.

Elected Officials

We help strong leaders and, once they are in office, we make sure that they listen t our communities.

Policy & Idea Legislation

Some of the strongest policy solutions come from impacted people. We make sure our vision and ideas are heard by people in power.


Guaranteed Income

Guaranteed income policies can come in a variety of forms — for example, a periodic cash payment or an expansion of already existing tax credits. Expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC) would ensure that tens of millions of families currently living at or near the poverty line have the resources they need to provide for their families. These expansions should provide all families and low-income individuals cash payments significant enough to put those who most need it on a path to economic security and self-determination. They should also apply regardless of someone’s formal work status, including unpaid caregivers who take care of their loved ones as well as immigrants with or without work authorization.

Case Studies

American Rescue Plan & Inflation Reduction Act

Together with our grassroots partners, we played a pivotal role in ensuring that policies built for our base were included in the Biden Administration's historic investments.

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New Mexico’s Child Care Victory

OLE New Mexico delivered an unprecedented victory for child care, and created a blueprint for the nation.

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Expanded Child Tax Credit

The expanded Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit yielded unprecedented support to millions of families.

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Actions & Events

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Fuel The Fight

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Community Change Action Endorses Kamala Harris for President

Community Change Action Endorses Kamala Harris for President Yesterday, President Biden stepped aside from his...

Statement from Community Change Action Co-Presidents on President Biden Not Seeking Re-election

For Immediate Release: July 21, 2024 Statement from Community Change Action Co-Presidents Lorella Praeli and...

Press Release

Community Change Action Launches Child Care Report Card Ahead of 2024 Elections

For immediate release  Contact: Domenica Ghanem,   Community Change Action Launches Child Care Report...


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Annual Report

2022 Annual Report: The Arc of Transformation

Midterm elections, hard-fought victories, new challenges, and the road ahead.